
All formats and templates provided in this site are taken from reliable resources and are fully intact with quality standards. However, we cannot accept any liability due to usage/download/printing or any other possible usage from our provided templates or content. Moreover, we are accept any human error and limited up to reporting to us. We cannot accept any liability in this regard.

We shall not consider liable in case of any loss, damage, claim or anything that anyone suffers due to downloading/ printing our using our templates, contents or any part of our site.

User Manual

You will need to read following permissions that I offer to my users in order to use any or all templates provided in this site;

a)      Permission for Usage

All templates provided in this website for download are totally free. By downloading these template/s, you hereby confirm a Single User License. You cannot sell these templatesto any third party or customer, in any form.

b)      Permission to Amendment or Modification or Changes

I assume no liability on our parts if user amend or modify or change my templates or part of these templates or any content of these templates without our permission. I feel no burden if your amendments, changes or modification are solely for the purpose of usage not commercial.

c)    Ownership of Templates

You cannot claim ownership of all those templates which are available on this site for download by any means, through downloading or getting from someone. These are the properties of this site and I reserve the right to follow formal legal recourse, in case of any violation.



This website is fully compliance with GDPR regulations.

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