Monthly Report Template

  • Report Templates

A monthly report template may be a financial report, performance report, attendance report, project report, status report etc. A monthly report is usually prepared for the previous month in the initial days of the current month. Title, content and format of monthly report will be different depending on its nature. A monthly report template may be prepared in paragraphs or tabular form depending on the type of information. Whatever the title of the report is, it must be signed by the writer and the manager of concerned department. What Makes Monthly Report Template Different? There are several crucial points which makes…

Weekly Report Template

  • Report Templates

A weekly report template may be a cash report, performance report, attendance report, expense report, project report, sales report etc. Usually weekly reports are prepared in the organizations where lots of information is to be dealt with. Most of business reports are written in MS Word or special forms are used to be filled in as reports. Any report must be drafted in proper format and signed by the writer and the approving authority. Usually a section of additional notes or comments is placed at the end of reports for the assistance of the readers. A weekly report template on…

Analysis Report Template

  • Report Templates

An analysis report template is prepared for different types of analysis like SWOT analysis, internal analysis, external analysis, PEST analysis, sales analysis, performance analysis etc. Such report will contain information about the topic of analysis, strategies used to conduct that analysis, findings of the analysis, individual who conducted the analysis, who prepared the report and who approved the report etc. Proper format will be followed for drafting an analysis report. Different managerial and improvement decisions are made according to the findings of an analysis report template. This report must be complete and free from all errors and mistakes. What Makes…

Financial Report Template

  • Report Templates

A financial report template is a business document that can be written for several needs with different titles for instance a daily cash report, petty cash report, income statement, balance sheet, profit and loss statement, statement of retained earnings etc. Most of the financial reports are prepared after fixed periods of time but some reports are prepared when needed like cash report or an expense report. Financial report templates are prepared in proper format by giving business name, report title and date at the top of the page. Usually financial reports are prepared in MS Word or MS Excel in…

Project Schedule Template

  • Business Templates

A product schedule template will list out all product relative tasks including names of concerned personnel and the time allotted for each task. A well prepared project schedule helps to ensure smooth ongoing of project tasks. Usually a project schedule is prepared by a project manager and is then handed over to the project supervisor to ensure timely execution of each task. Preparing a project schedule is not so difficult. Having complete idea of the project, you will first need to break down the project tasks then assign the duties to the staff and at the end allot time to…

Balance Sheet Template

  • Business Templates

Balance sheet template is one of the most important financial statements of the business. This is the statement of the assets and liabilities of a business. All assets are mentioned on one side of the statement and liabilities on the other. Results shown in this statement are then used for calculating different financial ratios and making business decisions. The assets side of the balance sheet includes current and fixed assets and the liabilities side includes all long term and short term liabilities along with owners equity. A balance sheet may be prepared after six months or a year depending on…

Shopping List Template

  • List Templates

A shopping list template may contain names of items for kitchen use of for your room cupboard. This list will be prepared before the shopping to make sure that no important thing will be left to be bought at the end of the shopping visit. It may be a simple list or may have different categories to write names of items just like a grocery list. Key categories on a shopping list template may include kitchen items, fridge items, cleaning items, laundry items, miscellaneous etc. What Makes Shopping List Template Different? There are several crucial points which makes this template more…

Grocery List Template

  • List Templates

A grocery list template will contain names of things to be bought. This list is being used to avoid forgetting important items to buy. This list may simply contain names of items to be bought but a well organized and well drafted list will have names of all grocery items in different sections like daily products, kitchen products, fridge items, cleaning products, meats, produces, vegetables, snacks etc. Some space should be left free to write names of additional items or write important notes about shopping. Name of each item should be mentioned along with quantity and price to have idea…

Guest List Template

  • List Templates

A guest list template may be prepared by a professional event organizer or by  a person arranging his own family event. A guest list not only tells the names of the guests invited simply but it serves as the basis of some many arrangements like sending invitations, making seating, parking and food arrangements, arranging event favors, sending reminders or thank you notes for attending the event etc. A guest list template will contain names of the guests along with their phone numbers, email addresses and home addresses. To make the list more advanced, check boxes with yes or no options…

Inventory List Template

  • List Templates

An inventory list template may be used to record home inventory or business stock for different purposes. Main advantage of using an inventory list is to stay updated with what we have and how much. Further an updated inventory list can play an important role in case of any loss to inventory for insurance claims. It may also be used as an important list while shifting inventory from one place to another. An inventory list will contain names of all items along with their buying date, brand name, buying price, quantity etc. Copies of inventory list template should be saved…



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